Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Intro to Pre and Post Workout Meals

Workout SMART! When it comes to weight training, timing is everything! Today I will discuss pre and post workout meals as they are crucial to achieving the results you want :) First, I would like to define and explain 2 terms that you will see various times in my next blog.

insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to elevated blood sugar(glucose) levels

* when we eat, insulin is released
* imagine that each cell has a door with a lock
* insulin attaches to glucose (from our food)
* insulin is the key that will open the lock and allow glucose to enter
* glucose is converted and stored as glycogen
* glucose=energy!
* we need insulin to get glucose(energy) in to our cells

Glycemic Index (GI):
used to describe the effects different types of carbs have on our blood glucose levels

* high GI foods: spike insulin levels causing a quick "sugar rush", quick energy and then decrease in energy short after. Ex: white potatoes
* Low GI foods: break down slow, provide a slow and steady release of energy (perfect for a workout!) Ex: apples, bananas, wheat bread

please refer to the following website for a list of foods and their GI:

* http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/glycemicfoodchart.htm

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